Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Motley Group

Today was t-shirt day. No good VBS is complete without hand-painted t-shirts. Our Moldovan children loved writing their names, painting flowers, and hearts on their shirts. Again, I must say, children are the same the world over when it comes to personal pride in their creative activities. They want things to be pretty...and they want to do it for themselves.

A few of the older boys were pretty creative in their pilfering of about two dozen of the shirts out the back door. ...thus causing a lot of stress for the team. There was a lot of talk about forgiveness and an effort at understanding what real poverty is really like. We also talked about how theft is wrong no matter the circumstances. All this caused quite a lot of discussion in our nightly planning meeting.

A highlight for me, was the continued attendance by the camp teachers, at the adult Bible studies. I used the ABC method for explanation the gospel. They listened attentively and began asking questions. One of many unbelievable events of this week.

Steve mentioned tonight that we are a very motley team, so many different personalities, skills, and gifts, are brought together in a way that only God could accomplish.

I think 135+ children were in the presence of Christ this week, and I also think a team Americans, our interpreters, and Steve with SERI all enjoyed the hand of God on our efforts here.

1 comment:

Dot said...

I am enjoying the reports on your mission trip. You and the rest of the Moldova group are in my prayers.